Uniformed Services Environmental Health Association invites you to attend our upcoming Educational Webinar with Speaker LT Sydney S. Taylor presenting on
“Overview of the Vessel Sanitation Program”
Date: Tuesday, 21 January 2025
Time: 1300 - 1400 Eastern
Topic: Overview of the Vessel Sanitation Program
Where: Join the meeting now (No registration is required)
This webinar is approved for 1 contact hour towards a NEHA credential.
Speaker: LT Sydney S. Taylor, U.S. Public Health Service
Session Description:
LT Sydney S. Taylor will provide an overview of the Vessel Sanitation Program. LT Taylor has served with distinction in the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) for three years, demonstrating a strong commitment to public health and community service. LT Taylor currently works for the Vessel Sanitation Program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sydney works daily to protect U.S. borders from communicable disease through prevention and control of the introduction, transmission, and spread of gastrointestinal (GI) illnesses on cruise ships which requires 70-80% travel (including international travel). During her previous days, she worked at the U.S. Food & Drug Administration serving as a consumer safety officer for the Human & Animal Food Operations in San Diego, CA.
LT Taylor attended the University of Kentucky and received a Bachelor of Public Health Degree and an Indiana University Master in Public Health degree. LT Taylor received the 2021 Lyman T. Johnson Public Health Award from the University of Kentucky, College of Public Health for her early career achievements and service in public health as an esteemed alumnus. In May 2024, she was recently awarded the Career Mastered Women Empowerment, Emerging Leader Award which highlighted her achievement as an officer. Sydney is a valued USPHS colleague, a champion for public service, and an ally to young girls seeking careers in Public Health.
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