NEHA Certificate of Merit Nominations

07 May 2019 22:17 | John Masters

USEHA Members,

Each National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) affiliate is invited to designate one of its members to receive a Certificate of Merit from NEHA, thereby nationally recognizing one of our own for outstanding contributions to the environmental health profession. Recipients are announced during the NEHA Annual Educational Conference (AEC) and in theJournal of Environmental Health. Awardees will also receive a Certificate of Merit document. 

The Uniformed Services Environmental Health Association (USEHA) is currently seeking nominations for the NEHA Certificate of Merit. Please consider submitting a self-nomination or nominating one of your colleagues for this award. This is a great way to showcase the unique and important work done by the uniformed services environmental health community. 

Nominees must be current USEHA members in good standing with our organization. To verify your membership status or pay your annual dues, please log into the member section of our website at

Nominations must include the following:

  • nominee's name and rank
  • nominee's branch of service
  • nominee's duty station
  • narrative not to exceed 2 pages (single-spaced) detailing the nominee's contributions to the environmental health profession. 
  • signature of nominator (or your own signature if self-nomination)

Nominations are due by Monday, 20 MAY. Please submit nominations to 

Feel free to contact me with any questions.


MAJ Sean Beeman

uniformed services environmental health association


The Uniformed Services Environmental Health Association's mission is to serve our members by enhancing their professional capabilities and leadership and to serve the environmental health needs of the uniformed services and the nation.

USEHA is an affiliate of the National Environmental Health Association.
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