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BALLOT for Change to USEHA Constitution/By-Laws October 2020

27 Oct 2020 07:35 | John Masters

The election is open for voting and we need your vote!

2020-2021 USEHA President-Elect


This electronic ballot is being circulated in lieu of an in-person vote normally conducted at the USEHA Business meeting at the NEHA AEC.


The following changes to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Uniformed Services Environmental Health Association have been proposed. The existing language is given first followed by the proposed language, with a brief explanation as to why the change is being sought.

Bruce Etchison, CAPT. Ret., Chair, Constitution and By-Laws Committee


Existing Language: One Service Representative from each Uniformed Service will be appointed by the President. One additional Service Representative shall also be appointed to represent retired members of the Association. Service Representatives will be appointed for a term of two (2) years and may be reappointed for one additional term.

Proposed Language: (Add) If a service representative is not able to attend a meeting of the executive council they must assign a proxy to represent them at the meeting/conference call and/or submit service updates by e-mail to the president in a timely manner before the meeting. If a service representative has not participated in at least half the meetings/calls during the year, they must resign from the position and a new representative appointed.

Justification: To address the issue of service member representatives not participating in regularly scheduled meetings.

Ballot will close on Monday, 9 November


uniformed services environmental health association


The Uniformed Services Environmental Health Association's mission is to serve our members by enhancing their professional capabilities and leadership and to serve the environmental health needs of the uniformed services and the nation.

USEHA is an affiliate of the National Environmental Health Association.
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