
  • 16 Oct 2019 15:43 | John Masters

    The Uniformed Services Environmental Health Association (USEHA) proudly announces its annual Technical Educational Program and Business Meeting to be held at the NEHA Annual Educational Program & Exhibition in New York, NY

    USEHA is seeking presentations that address the latest advances and concerns in environmental/public health that are associated with the uniformed services.

    Questions on submitting abstracts should be directed to Dr. Roberts, Deadline for submission is 15 December 2019

    2020 USEHA Call_Abstracts_1st Call

    2020 USEHA Abstract submission word file

    2020 USEHA Abstract Submission Form fillable pdf

  • 19 Jun 2019 15:19 | John Masters

    LCDR Katie L. Bante, MPH, REHS/RS

    Recipient of the 2019 Walter F. Snyder Award

    The Snyder Award honors NSF International’s cofounder and first executive director, Walter F. Snyder, who provided outstanding contributions to the advancement of environmental and public health.  The prestigious award is given annually in honor of NSF International’s cofounder and first executive director Walter F. Snyder for outstanding contributions to the advancement of environmental health.

    Please see attached document to read all about this years recipient, LCDR Katie Bante.

    Please click HERE >> 2019 Snyder Award PR FINAL.pdf

  • 07 May 2019 22:21 | John Masters

    Due 31 May 2019

    This is a great opportunity to serve on the Uniformed Services Environmental Health Association (USEHA) Executive Council. USEHA is accepting self-nominations for:

    *President-Elect: Term as President-Elect begins July 2019. This person commits to serving as the President beginning in June/July of 2021. The individual may be from any Uniformed Service, including retirees, except Public Health Service, as the current President-Elect is a Public Health Service officer.

    *Secretary/Treasurer: Individual may be from any Uniformed Service, including retirees; term begins July 2019.

    Term lengths are for two years. The Secretary/Treasurer may serve two successive terms. Candidates for officer positions must be both NEHA and USEHA members in good standing with the organization.

    Send self-nominations to CPT Jessica Houfek at

    If you have questions about the Executive Council, please contact LCDR Kazu Okumura,

    The self-nomination should include your name, rank, branch of service, the position you wish to be elected to, and a brief statement (less than a page) explaining why you wish to serve in the position. Nominations are due 31 May 2019. Your supervisor must sign the self-nomination acknowledging that you will be required to commit to a limited number of hours per month during the regular workday as an officer of USEHA.

    If your USEHA membership has lapsed and you would like to renew, please visit our website at

  • 07 May 2019 22:20 | John Masters

    Good Morning Fellow USEHA Members,

    As you know, this summer the USEHA will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of its existence as an affiliate of the National Environmental Health Association. We will enhance our usual annual Educational Session and Business Meeting by having a reception to celebrate USEHA, its members, and our exceptional contributions to the Environmental Health profession.

    In December, I donated $300 to USEHA (through its website) to support the 50th Anniversary Celebration activities. I challenge you, my fellow USEHA members and EH professionals, to also donate to this cause. Please match or exceed my tax deductible donation; however, any donation amount will be greatly appreciated.

    Please plan to attend the conference this summer and celebrate this monumental USEHA event.

    Thank you,


    Welford C. Roberts, Ph.D., D.A.A.S., R.S./R.E.H.S
    Lieutenant Colonel, US Army (Retired)

  • 07 May 2019 22:17 | John Masters

    USEHA Members,

    Each National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) affiliate is invited to designate one of its members to receive a Certificate of Merit from NEHA, thereby nationally recognizing one of our own for outstanding contributions to the environmental health profession. Recipients are announced during the NEHA Annual Educational Conference (AEC) and in theJournal of Environmental Health. Awardees will also receive a Certificate of Merit document. 

    The Uniformed Services Environmental Health Association (USEHA) is currently seeking nominations for the NEHA Certificate of Merit. Please consider submitting a self-nomination or nominating one of your colleagues for this award. This is a great way to showcase the unique and important work done by the uniformed services environmental health community. 

    Nominees must be current USEHA members in good standing with our organization. To verify your membership status or pay your annual dues, please log into the member section of our website at

    Nominations must include the following:

    • nominee's name and rank
    • nominee's branch of service
    • nominee's duty station
    • narrative not to exceed 2 pages (single-spaced) detailing the nominee's contributions to the environmental health profession. 
    • signature of nominator (or your own signature if self-nomination)

    Nominations are due by Monday, 20 MAY. Please submit nominations to 

    Feel free to contact me with any questions.


    MAJ Sean Beeman

  • 02 May 2019 13:59 | John Masters

    On behalf of the Uniformed Services Environmental Health Association executive council, I want to congratulate 1LT Nimesh Pandeya as our selectee for the 2019 NEHA Conference Scholarship!!

    Very Respectfully,

    MAJ Sean Beeman, MPH, REHS, CPH

  • 19 Apr 2019 14:46 | John Masters

    This is a great opportunity to serve on the Uniformed Services Environmental Health Association (USEHA) Executive Council. USEHA is accepting self-nominations for:

    President-Elect: Term as President-Elect begins July 2019. This person commits to serving as the President beginning in June/July of 2021. The individual may be from any Uniformed Service, including retirees, except Public Health Service, as the current President-Elect is a Public Health Service officer.

    Secretary/Treasurer: Individual may be from any Uniformed Service, including retirees; term begins July 2019.

    Term lengths are for two full years. The Secretary/Treasurer may serve two successive terms. Candidates for officer positions must be both NEHA and USEHA members in good standing with the organization.

    Send self-nominations to CPT Jessica Houfek at

    If you have questions about the Executive Council, please contact LCDR Kazu Okumura,

    The self-nomination should include:

    your name, rank, branch of service, the position you wish to be elected to, and a brief statement (less than a page) explaining why you wish to serve in the position.

    Nominations are due NLT 30 April 2019. Your supervisor must sign the self-nomination acknowledging that you will be required to commit to a limited number of hours per month during the regular workday as an officer of USEHA.

  • 24 Jan 2019 10:34 | John Masters

    Latest council meeting minutes are available now for members in the members area.

  • 22 Jan 2019 15:57 | John Masters

    We are pleased to announce that the Uniformed Services Environmental Health Association (USEHA) will again offer a scholarship for full conference registration to the 2019 National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) Annual Educational Conference (AEC), including the USEHA Educational Sessions and annual business meeting. This year's NEHA conference will be held in Nashville, Tennessee from 9-12 July 2019. This is a great opportunity to attend the conference and acquire continuing education credits, network with fellow environmental health professionals, and learn about the latest innovations and research in environmental health practice. In addition, this is a special year for USEHA as we are celebrating our 50th Anniversary at the conference.

    The scholarship includes:

    • Full conference registration paid directly to NEHA.
    • $500 stipend paid directly to the scholarship recipient to put towards lodging, meals, and other incidentals.

    See attached flyer for full details and application requirements

    2019 USEHA Scholarship for NEHA Conference Attendance.pdf

  • 22 Jan 2019 15:48 | John Masters

    USEHA invites you to submit abstracts for the 2019 NEHA Conference (2nd Call). NEHA’s 83rd Annual Educational Conference & Exhibition Tuesday, July 9 – Friday, July 12, 2019 Nashville, Tennessee

    USEHA Presentations – July 10, 2019

    Submission Form and Abstracts Flyer are below.

    2019 USEHA Abstract Submission Form.doc

    2019 USEHA Call_Abstracts_2d Call.pdf

uniformed services environmental health association inc

The Uniformed Services Environmental Health Association's mission is to serve our members by enhancing their professional capabilities and leadership and to serve the environmental health needs of the uniformed services and the nation.

Aberdeen, Maryland


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