
  • 14 Jan 2019 15:26 | John Masters

    USEHA Members,

    Are you looking for more leadership opportunities, a resume builder, and an opportunity to interact with fellow environmental health professionals from the uniformed services? Now is your opportunity to submit a self-nomination to serve on the Uniformed Services Environmental Health Association (USEHA) Executive Council.

    We are now accepting self-nominations for the following positions in the upcoming 2019 USEHA Officer Elections:

    *President-Elect: Term as President-Elect begins July 2019. This person commits to serving as the President beginning in June/July of 2021. The individual may be from any Uniformed Service, including retirees, except Public Health Service, as the current President-Elect is a Public Health Service officer.

    *Vice President: Individual may be from any Uniformed Service, including retirees; term begins July 2019.

    *Secretary/Treasurer: Individual may be from any Uniformed Service, including retirees; term begins July 2019.

    Term lengths are for two full years. The Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer may serve two successive terms. Candidates for officer positions must be both NEHA and USEHA members in good standing with the organization.

    Send self-nominations to CPT Jessica Houfek at

    The self-nomination should include your name, rank, branch of service, the position you wish to be elected to, and a brief statement (less than a page) explaining why you wish to serve in the position. Nominations are due NLT 31 March 2019. Your supervisor must sign the self-nomination acknowledging that you will be required to commit to a limited number of hours per month during the regular workday as an officer of USEHA.

    If your USEHA membership has lapsed and you would like to renew, please visit our website at

  • 14 Jan 2019 15:04 | John Masters

    This summer the USEHA will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of its existence as an affiliate of the National Environmental Health Association in Nashville Tennessee. We will enhance our usual annual Educational Session and Business Meeting by having a reception to celebrate USEHA, its members, and our exceptional contributions to the Environmental Health profession.

    If you are thinking of making a tax-free donation to support the 50th Anniversary Celebration activities now would be a good time to do it. Any donation amount will be greatly appreciated.

    This year we will also be joined by the Uniformed Services Affiliate who will also be holding their Reception in conjunction with our event . The meeting will take place at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Conference Center Nashville, Tennessee, in Room Davidson A which is on the Magnolia Mezzanine Level, on July 9th from 7:30 to 10:00 PM.

    Please plan to attend the conference this summer and celebrate this monumental USEHA event. More information on this event will be posted in the coming months.

  • 14 Jan 2019 14:33 | John Masters

    The Indian Health Service Retired Engineer/Environmental Health Officer Reunion is set for May 21st, 2019 in Laughlin, Nevada.  This invitation is open to anyone, who worked for the INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE, as an engineer, sanitarian or environmental health officer. Please come join us to reminisce with old friends and co-workers.  

    The day will be spent remembering the history of the agency and the many fine persons that served.  It is also an opportunity for recent retirees to hear of the efforts of the early officers in the formative years of the program.  We also anticipate hearing updates on the current engineering and environmental health program in I.H.S. 

    The reunion will be held at the Tropicana in Laughlin, N.V. on Tuesday May 21st.  Rooms are blocked for arrival on Monday the 20th to Wednesday the 22nd for departure.  Reservations may be made by calling 1-800-343-4533 and identifying themselves as members of the group with Group Reservation ID: 4295.   The Engineer/Environmental Health Officer Reunion is held every three years, please come and join us if you are able.  If interested please send an e-mail to CAPT Bruce Etchison, USPHS (Ret.) at to obtain registration information. 

  • 25 May 2018 10:49 | John Masters

    USEHA 2018 Annual Educational Program and Business Meeting , Anaheim Marriott Hotel, Anaheim, CA Tuesday, 26 June 2018 .  (Final Itinerary Below)

    USEHA Educational Program and Business Mtg 2018 Final EDIT.pdf 

  • 24 Apr 2018 08:29 | John Masters

    USEHA will once again offer a scholarship for full conference registration to the 2018 National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) Annual Educational Conference, including the USEHA Educational Sessions and annual business meeting. 

    Scholarship submissions are due no later than 4 May 2018.

    2018 USEHA Scholarship for NEHA Conference Attendance.pdf

  • 23 Apr 2018 15:03 | John Masters

    USEHA 2018 Annual Educational Program and Business Meeting , Anaheim Marriott Hotel, Anaheim, CA Tuesday, 26 June 2018 . 


    USEHA Educational Program and Business Mtg 2018_Final.pdf

  • 27 Mar 2017 14:57 | KATHERINE HUBBARD

    The deadline for abstracts for the USEHA Technical Educational Program at the 2017 NEHA Annual Educational Conference (AEC) has been extended to April 15, 2017. Please see the attached flyer for more details.

    2017 USEHA Call_Abstracts_2nd Call.pdf

  • 09 Mar 2017 13:12 | KATHERINE HUBBARD

    We are pleased to announce that the Uniformed Services Environmental Health Association (USEHA) is offering a scholarship for full conference registration to the 2017 National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) Annual Educational Conference, including the USEHA Educational Sessions and annual business meeting. This year's NEHA conference will be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan from July 10-13. This is a great opportunity to attend the conference and acquire continuing education credits, network with fellow environmental health professionals, and learn about the latest innovations and research in environmental health practice. 

    • The scholarship includes full conference registration paid directly to NEHA.
    • Also included is a $200 stipend paid directly to the scholarship recipient to put towards lodging, meals, and other incidentals.
    • Scholarship applicants must be a USEHA member in good standing with our organization.
    • Members of the USEHA Executive Council are NOT eligible.

    To apply for the scholarship, submit a statement of purpose (less than one page) indicating what you hope to gain from attending the NEHA conference. Include your name, rank, branch of service, and contact information. Submit your statement of purpose to CDR Katie Hubbard at by Friday, March 24, 2017. All applications will be reviewed by the USEHA Executive Council and a scholarship recipient selected and notified by Monday, April 3, 2017. 

  • 09 Mar 2017 13:10 | KATHERINE HUBBARD

    Are you looking for more leadership opportunities, a resume builder, and an opportunity to interact with fellow environmental health professionals from the uniformed services? Now is your opportunity to submit a self-nomination to serve on the Uniformed Services Environmental Health Association (USEHA) Executive Council.


    We are now accepting self-nominations for the following positions in the upcoming 2017 USEHA Officer Elections:

    • President-Elect: Term as President-Elect begins July 2017. This person commits to serving as the President beginning in June/July of 2019. The individual may be from any Uniformed Service, including retirees, except active duty Army, as the current President-Elect is an Army officer.
    • Vice President: Individual may be from any Uniformed Service, including retirees; term begins July 2017.

    Term lengths are for two full years. The Vice President may serve two successive terms. Candidates for officer positions must be both NEHA and USEHA members in good standing with the organization. 

    Send self-nominations to MAJ Sean Beeman at The self-nomination should include your name, rank, branch of service, the position you wish to be elected to, and a brief statement (less than a page) explaining why you wish to serve in the position. Your supervisor must sign the self-nomination acknowledging that you will be required to commit to a limited number of hours per month during the regular workday as an officer of USEHA. 

  • 10 Aug 2016 21:25 | KATHERINE HUBBARD

    USEHA Member, Dr. Welford C. Roberts (Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army Retired) was presented a citation from Mr. Bob Custard, NEHA’s outgoing president, for his leadership of the NEHA Endowment Fund Board. The citation was presented at NEHA’s Annual Conference in San Antonio, TX this past June. Dr. Roberts is leading a six-member board composed of three NEHA National Officers and three NEHA Past Presidents. They are reevaluating the structure, purpose, and use of the fund to make recommendations that benefit the organization and its member. Dr. Roberts is a Past NEHA President, a former U.S. Army Environmental Science Officer, and currently leads USEHA educational and strategic planning efforts. 

    Please join us in congratulating Dr. Roberts for this outstanding achievement.

uniformed services environmental health association inc

The Uniformed Services Environmental Health Association's mission is to serve our members by enhancing their professional capabilities and leadership and to serve the environmental health needs of the uniformed services and the nation.

Aberdeen, Maryland


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